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init(int, int) - 类中的方法 com.tencent.mps.tie.api.TIEPass
Initializes the TIEPass object for image enhancement.
init(int, int, float) - 类中的方法 com.tencent.mps.tie.api.TSRPass
Initializes the TSRPass object for super-resolution rendering.
init(long, int, TSRSdk.TSRSdkLicenseVerifyResultCallback, TSRLogger) - 类中的方法 com.tencent.mps.tie.api.TSRSdk
Initializes the TSRSdk with online license verification.
init(long, String, TSRLogger) - 类中的方法 com.tencent.mps.tie.api.TSRSdk
Initializes the TsrSdk with offline license verification.
INPUT_RESOLUTION_INVALID - enum class 中的枚举常量 com.tencent.mps.tie.api.TIEPass.TIEInitStatusCode
The input resolution is invalid; it must be between [1, 4096].
INPUT_RESOLUTION_INVALID - enum class 中的枚举常量 com.tencent.mps.tie.api.TSRPass.TSRInitStatusCode
The input resolution is invalid; it must be between [1, 4096].
INSTANCE_NOT_EXIST - enum class 中的枚举常量 com.tencent.mps.tie.api.TIEPass.TIEInitStatusCode
TIEPass does not exist.
INSTANCE_NOT_EXIST - enum class 中的枚举常量 com.tencent.mps.tie.api.TSRPass.TSRInitStatusCode
TSRPass does not exist.
INTERNAL_ERR - enum class 中的枚举常量 com.tencent.mps.tie.api.TSRSdk.TSRSdkLicenseStatus
Internal operating logic error.
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All Classes and Interfaces|所有程序包