All Classes and Interfaces|所有程序包
- onTSRSdkLicenseVerifyResult(TSRSdk.TSRSdkLicenseStatus) - 接口中的方法 com.tencent.mps.tie.api.TSRSdk.TSRSdkLicenseVerifyResultCallback
This method is called when the TSRSDK license verification process is completed.
- OPENGL_ES_VERSION_LOWER_THAN_3_1 - enum class 中的枚举常量 com.tencent.mps.tie.api.TIEPass.TIEInitStatusCode
OpenGL ES version is lower than 3.1, fallback to normal playback.
- OPENGL_ES_VERSION_LOWER_THAN_3_1 - enum class 中的枚举常量 com.tencent.mps.tie.api.TSRPass.TSRInitStatusCode
OpenGL ES version is lower than 3.1, fallback to normal playback.
All Classes and Interfaces|所有程序包