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ML_MODEL_INIT_FAILED - enum class 中的枚举常量 com.tencent.mps.tie.api.TIEPass.TIEInitStatusCode
Machine learning model module initialization failed, fallback to normal playback.
ML_MODEL_INIT_FAILED - enum class 中的枚举常量 com.tencent.mps.tie.api.TSRPass.TSRInitStatusCode
Machine learning model module initialization failed, fallback to TSRAlgorithmType.STANDARD.
ML_MODEL_NOT_CONFIGURE - enum class 中的枚举常量 com.tencent.mps.tie.api.TIEPass.TIEInitStatusCode
Before executing the TIEPass.init(int, int) function, ensure that TIEPass.configureProIEMaxInputResolution(int, int) MaxInputResolution has been completed for the Professional Edition Super Resolution algorithm.
ML_MODEL_NOT_CONFIGURE - enum class 中的枚举常量 com.tencent.mps.tie.api.TSRPass.TSRInitStatusCode
Before executing the init function, ensure that configureProSRMaxInputResolution has been completed for the Professional Edition Super Resolution algorithm.
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