程序包 com.tencent.mps.tie.api

package com.tencent.mps.tie.api
  • 说明
    TIEPass is a class responsible for performing image enhancement rendering on input images.
    The TIEAlgorithmType enum represents the algorithm running mode to be used for image enhancement.
    This interface represents the log callbacks of the TsrSdk.
    TSRPass is a class responsible for performing super-resolution rendering on input images.
    The TSRAlgorithmType enum represents the algorithm running mode to be used for super-resolution rendering in the TSRPass class.
    TSRSdk is a class responsible for managing and verifying the license of the super-resolution SDK.
    Enum representing the status of an SDK license.
    TSRSdkLicenseVerifyResultCallback is an interface for handling the result of TSRSDK license verification.